
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chevron Marathon and Surf N Turf Half Marathon

Ok I decided I would just combine this blog post because it seemed the week ran together for both of these runs. The full marathon was in Houston on Jan. 19th and then less than a week later I ran a half marathon in Port Aransas.... was I crazy? FULL ON!!! Let me say that this was a good learning experience. I pushed my body to limits it was not ready for but succeeded. I hurt, I was tired but I survived and came away a better runner for it.

So we headed for Houston on Jan. 17th from Rockport- 3.5 hr drive but we have made it so many times it doesn't seem that long. The drive to Houston always feels like the drive home. Houston is home for us and always will be. Early Friday we learned our Uncle was sick and we decided to go ahead and rent a hotel to avoid getting everyone else sick. Plus we could come and go and be lazy if we wanted to without bothering anyone. Which we took full advantage of. We got in late Friday and just relaxed because we had to get up at the butt crack of dawn for the 5k on Saturday morning. Both of my girls were going to run the 5k with me but we had to take my husband to the VA Hospital for a tooth that had been bothering him, so my son was left either running the 5k with us or sitting with strangers. UGH... SO my oldest decided she would hang with him and my middle kid could run with me. The oldest (Haley) has always been my "runner", but let me tell you that middle kiddo (Alli) is sure stealing the title quickly. Alli has run with me several times now and I think she likes it... shhhh, don't tell her I said that.
So Alli and I ran the 5k, not a fast pace but a nice steady pace we finished in 28 mins with a 9:05 min pace. Which was great for us since I was running the next day. The 3 kids and I then went and ventured to the expo to pick up my marathon packet for the Chevron Houston Marathon. We made a few rounds, checked out a few booths. Alli won a $10 Chevron gift card from the Chevron booth!! (YAY gas money) haha. Haley found a new pair of running shoes for only$40. Alli bought one of those headband things that doesn't move for a whopping $15. -1 head band! And Nick walked away with some free cars from the Chevron booth. Everyone was happy. We headed back to the hotel after picking up the hubs. We ventured out to eat once and the rest of the evening and night was spent in the hotel doing NOTHING. It was a great evening.
Sunday morning- up bright and early at 4:45 to leave by 5:45. WOW... up so early. I never wake up that early haha. We got there in good time, found my coral and said good bye to the family. I would be seeing them around mile 15 and then again at the finish. Have I mentioned how amazing my family is and what a great support team they are? They really are AMAZING and so great to me!!!
Anyways...waited for my friend Carolyn to show up and find me so we could run together. Which was amazing. Its always so nice to have someone to run with. We ran and we did great. We were on track for a 4:30 finish up until about mile 20. After that I didn't do so well. My longest training run had only been 18 miles. So lesson learned there. Valuable lesson... more miles next year. At mile 25 my legs cramped so bad it was almost unbearable. I have NEVER had that happen before. I don't believe it was my electrolytes or lack of water/Gatorade/ salt. I believe it was my lack of training. Which really sucks and only leaves myself to blame. Live and learn! I survived and I got an amazing medal, I had a great experience and I learned a lot about  myself. My ending time was 4:50 which is still 8 minutes faster than last year. So I am still proud of it. Just slightly disappointed in myself for my training.
Less than a week later I was out there running a half marathon in 30-40 degree weather on the beach for the Port Aransas Surf N Turf race. But it was a planned run with most of my ladies from the run group. Alli ran again with me, Haley again chickened out. My mom took her place and ran in her spot. So that was cool to have them both there. I was doing really great for the first 8-9 miles of the half, I was kinda shocked my body was holding up so well. I also practiced something I had just read about... walking for 3-45 seconds every water stop. The water stops were about every 2 miles so it worked out great. I think this really helped me keep pace and not suffer too much. Mile 9 came around and my body was just DONE... My hip hurt, which spread down to my knee. My hamstring and quad both hurt by the end. And when I finished I wasn't sure I would be able to stand or walk at ALL that day. At mile 10.5 I started texting Alli to come meet me. I needed support, I needed her by my side, I needed her to push me through. She met up with me around mile 11.5 and finished the race with me. The last quarter mile was Linda, Kelcey and my mom, they all ran a bit with me to the finish line. It was so exciting having them finish with and really helped me a ton. I love the support and love we have for each other. I finished with a time of 2:12 which is technically the fastest half marathon in a race and only short 5 minutes of my fastest half I have ran personally. So not too shabby for a gimp runner haha. I have decided to slow it way down and work on strength for awhile. I need to build my hips and leg muscles up. I have a huge run in March over a couple of mountains in Utah( Buffalo Run)! Then just a week later is Texas Independence Relay -200 mile relay!! So need my strength and legs for those for sure.
In every race I learn something about myself and learn how strong I am.
Until the next one~ Becky

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